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Types of syntactic relations in word combination →  Жовтень 3, 2012

Traditionally, the main types of relations in syntax are believed to be co-ordination (parataxis) and subordination (hypotaxis). Besides this two-member opposition, there may be distinguished one more, consisting of four members, namely predicative, object, adverbial and attributive rela­tions. How these two oppositions correlate, their similarities and differences remain unclear though this question is quite essential […]

The theory of valence →  Жовтень 3, 2012

The theory of valence stems from the study of combining properties of language units. The theory, like the term itself, has appeared in linguistics comparatively recently: it was used for the first time in works by the fa­mous French structuralist, L. Teniere, who introduced the term “valence” in linguistics borrowing it from chemistry. A little […]

Structural completeness of word combination →  Жовтень 1, 2012

Structural completeness of linear language organization is provided in two ways: by means of substitution and representation. Substitution is based on inclusion of a unit that replaces the unit mentioned before in order to avoid repetition as well as for the sake of brevity: the substituting unit may be much shorter than the substituted one, […]

Correlation between the meaning of a word combination and the meaning of its components →  Вересень 29, 2012

The meaning of a word combination does not equate to a simple sum of the meanings of its components but appears an intricate interlacement of lexical meaning of combining units. Thus, for instance, the isolated use of the noun axis is associated, first of all, with a part of a construction. However, when this noun […]