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Classifications of word combination →  Вересень 27, 2012

Word combinations may be classified according to their function in the sentence. This criterion divides word combinations into 1) those which perform the function of a sentence part, for example, predi­cate, object, adverbial modifier etc., and 2) those which do not perform any such function but whose function is …. equivalent of that of a […]

Word combinations with the head element →  Вересень 27, 2012

Beginning: Classifications of word combination Word combinations without head Word combinations with the head element are represented by word groups that form a grammatically organized structure with one element sub­ordinate to the other element. The subordinating element is called the head of the word combination. In the following examples, the head elements are underlined: green […]

Word combinations without head element →  Вересень 27, 2012

Beginning: Classifications of word combination Word combinations with the head element As to word combinations without head, they do not seem to share any common structure, peculiar to all groups within this type. In other words, word combinations without the head are structurally more various than word combinations with the head. Elements in word combinations […]

Definition of the word combination →  Вересень 21, 2012

In this book, we shall operate with the term “word combination”, though it should be pointed out that the syntactic terminology varies from author to author. Thus, Professor Illiysh operates with the term “phrase”. The definition given by the scholar to the phrase (“every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit […]