→ Липень 10, 2012
The specific tense system has already been discussed while analyzing the English verb. As a result, the three types of tense have been distinguished – absolute, relative and absolute-relative. As it has been mentioned above, the English verbids have the following categories: tense and voice. It is therefore necessary to clarify the type of the […]
→ Липень 10, 2012
Tense of English non-finite forms – Part 1 In looking for examples of relative time reference, it is essential to ensure that the relative time reference interpretation is part of the meaning of the form in question, rather than an implicature derived from, in part, the context. One area which is particularly confusing in this […]
→ Липень 7, 2012
Participle II is a non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the adjective. Participle II has no paradigm: it is represented by the only form, which occurs either independently or as a part of an analytical verb form. By the way of the paradigmatic correlation with Participle […]
→ Липень 7, 2012
Participle I is a non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the adjective and the adverb. It denotes a quality resulting from an action. The form of Participle I is wholly homonymous with the Gerund, ending in the suffix -ing and distinguishing the same grammatical categories of […]
→ Липень 3, 2012
Verb: Category of Mood – Part 2 Verb: Category of Mood – Part 3 Verb: Category of Mood – Part 4 Any utterance is perceived as containing information either corresponding or contradicting to the situation. To express this meaning is possible owing to a category that indicates the speaker’s attitude to the content of an […]
→ Липень 3, 2012
Verb: Category of Mood The first disputable issue arising from the category of mood is the question about the recognition of different kinds of moods and their number in Modern English. Foreign linguists interpreted the category of Mood in different ways. Early English language grammars in their treatment of the Subjunctive Mood copied literally principles […]
→ Липень 3, 2012
Verb: Category of Mood Verb: Category of Mood – Part 2 The Imperative Mood shows that the speaker induces somebody to perform an action. The action is presented not as a fact but as something desired. Consequently, the Imperative is opposed to the Indicative Mood semantically. The form of the Imperative is identical to the […]
→ Липень 3, 2012
Verb: Category of Mood Verb: Category of Mood – Part 2 Verb: Category of Mood – Part 3 Synthetic forms of the Subjunctive, identical with Infinitives and Imperative forms, differ syntactically – they are used in subordinate clauses of condition, purpose and concession (Kim is capable of anything lest his girlfriend not break up with […]
→ Червень 26, 2012
The verbal category of Voice is an expression of relationship between an action and its subject and object. In other words, as a grammatical category, Voice shows the relation between the action and its subject, namely, it indicates whether the action is performed by the subject or passes on to it. As a result, Voice […]
→ Червень 26, 2012
Verbal Category of Voice Although a number of criteria to differentiate between a simple predicate expressed by a verb in Passive and a compound nominal predicate have been put forward, yet this question is disputable. The identical form and absence of precise distinction of categorical meaning (passive meaning as an action performed on the subject […]