→ Червень 9, 2012
The English adjective has lost in the course of history all its forms of grammatical agreement with the noun. As a result, the only paradigmatic forms of the adjective are those of degrees of comparison. The meaning of the category of comparison is expression of different degrees of intensity of some property revealed by comparing […]
→ Червень 8, 2012
Adjectives as a rule have a suffixational structure and, on the ground of their derivational pattern, are divided into base adjectives and derived adjectives. Base adjectives are usually monosyllabic, which influences their formal qualities: they form the degrees of comparison by taking inflections -er and -est or by undergoing morphophonemic changes, i.e. they have developed […]
→ Червень 8, 2012
The Adjective is a part of speech with the categorical meaning of a relatively permanent property of a substance: a thick book, a beautiful city. The adjective denotes a property that does not evolve in time and it is this static character that is meant under the notion of relative permanence: cf. high quality and […]
→ Червень 8, 2012
Fairly obviously word order is an alternative to case marking in distinguishing subject from object in English, as well as in languages like Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian, all of which use the Subject-Verb-Object order as their unmarked option. In English the word order also distinguishes the patient object (i.e. direct object) from the recipient or […]
→ Червень 7, 2012
Since the late 1960s a number of theories have been put forward claiming that the semantic relationships borne by nominal parts of speech to verbs make up a small, universal set. Since obviously there is a great deal of variation between languages as to how many cases they have, the semantic relationships that are posited […]
→ Березень 30, 2012
In Modern English the problem of case is reduced to the dispute whether the case category exists as such. Open to thought and questioning, this problem has always been much debated. The solution of the problem depends mainly on grammarians’ interpretation of the term “case”. As we will see below, some scholars consider it to […]
→ Березень 30, 2012
Noun: Category of case in modern English grammars – Part 1 We have considered the three theories which, if at basically different angles, proceed from the assumption that the English noun docs distinguish the grammatical case in its functional structure. However, another view of the problem of the English noun cases has been put forward […]
→ Березень 29, 2012
Noun: Number – Part 1 The two subclasses of uncountable nouns are usually referred to, respectively, as singularia tantum (only singular) and pluralia tantum (only plural). The singularia tantum subclass may also be referred to as the “absolute” singular, and is different from “common” singular of the countable nouns in that the absolute singular excludes […]
→ Березень 29, 2012
The category of number in English, like in most other languages, is expressed by the opposition of the plural form of the noun to the singular form. The singular form coincides with the basic form of a noun, whereas the plural form is expressed by means of the formant -s (-es) in writing. Pronunciation of […]
→ Березень 29, 2012
Case in traditional grammar The western tradition of describing case systems can be traced back to the Greeks. Ancient Greek, like the other “older” Indo-European languages, was a fusional inflecting language in which case marking could not be separated from number marking, where there was also some fusion of the stem and inflection, and where […]