→ Серпень 28, 2011
Principles of FLT The methodology of FLT is based on fundamental principles of didactics: – the principle of conscious approach; – communicative approach; – differentiated and integrated instruction; – activity; – visuality; – accessibility and durability; – individualization; – consecutiveness; – systematicness; – heuristics, etc. The Principle of Conscious Approach It is one of […]
→ Серпень 27, 2011
A brief account of the underlying principles of teaching grammar is given in G. Rogova’s book which include conscious, practical, structural, situational, and differential approaches. Current investigations expand the number of approaches and there is definitive information about functional and heuristic approaches that could be applied in teaching grammar. F helps overcome the gap between […]
→ Серпень 24, 2011
Conversation Lesson Directing conversation practice is probably the most demanding of all language teaching activities. It is also one of the most rewarding. Students cannot be expected to leap suddenly to original and creative communication. The teacher has to lead them step by step, gradually reducing controls over what they say and how they […]
→ Серпень 23, 2011
Teaching Pronunciation Before describing the technology of teaching pronunciation it is necessary to outline some of the attitudes that in some cases are barely compatible with each other. In modern linguistics the term “pronunciation” is used in narrow and broad contexts. In the narrow context “pronunciation” is a study of speech sounds and their production. […]
→ Серпень 23, 2011
Dialogues A short conversation between two people presented as a language model – the dialogue – often receives top billing in the manipulative phase of language learning. As a result, students spend much time repeating dialogues for pronunciation and memorization practice, or for grammar drills on selected lines. But when we come to the […]
→ Серпень 20, 2011
Social, linguistic, psychological and methodological factors in teaching pronunciation There exists another point of view on the issue of threshold level. Some phoneticians speak about two kinds of pronunciation: orthoepic (from Greek orthós – correct and “epos” speech) and approximated [11, c. 7]. Orphoepic pronunciation is a pronunciation that practically coincides with literary standard pronunciation […]
→ Серпень 15, 2011
Difficulties in teaching pronunciation: 1. The first difficulty is concerned with ear. The need for training the ear to observe and analyze will be clearly perceived when it is realized that accurate imitation is impossible so long as accurate hearing is not achieved. Accurate hearing is the fundamental condition for accurate imitation. The only effective […]
→ Липень 16, 2011
Types of Lesson According to the general character of the teaching activity the lessons are divided into: 1. manipulative drills 2. quasi-communicative drills 3. communicative lessons Language, if considered from a communicative point of view, is the transition of messages; it is the choice of a sequence of symbols from a reservoir of code. Indeed […]
→ Травень 27, 2011
Demands on the teacher A language teacher must be aware that this work is very demanding, both intellectually and physically. Vital qualities are: 1. energy; 2. a desire to teach; 3. willingness to prepare materials such as visual aids and hand-outs; 4. an ability to transfer his knowledge interestingly and imaginatively. Teaching Structure. 1. Get […]
→ Травень 27, 2011
Teaching Vocabulary A shift toward communicative methodology that emphasises the use of language rather than the formal study of it has caused a reassessment of the role that vocabulary can play in second language learning. This shift has led to a view of language teaching as empowering students to communicate, and the way to […]