→ Травень 18, 2011
Monitor/Editor Model – Foreign Language Teaching Stephen Krashen formulated the monitor model hypothesis and assembled most of the theory and assembled most of the theory and research to support its basic tenets (principles). The monitor model is not an outline for classroom teaching, rather it’s a theoretical inner-directed model with 5 hypotheses formulated to explain […]
→ Травень 18, 2011
Total Physical Response – English Methodology James Asher is the author of total physical response. In this response to the problem of second language learning he analyzed the process of first language learning. The noticed that children pass through a silent period before they begin to speak. He found that about 50% of adults’ utterances […]
→ Травень 18, 2011
Community Language Learning (CLL) – Methodology of FLT The age of audio-lingualism with its emphasis of surface forms and the rote practice (A-Z and vice versa) of scientifically produced patterns began to wane (die out), when the Chomskyan revolution in linguistics turned linguists and language teachers toward the “deep structures” and when psychologists began to […]
→ Травень 18, 2011
Designer methods of the Spirited 70’s – English Methodology The decade of the 70’s in the previous century was historically significant on two counts: 1) perhaps more than another decades research of second language learning and teaching grew from offshoot of linguistics to a discipline in its own right. As more and more scholars specialized […]
→ Травень 18, 2011
Francois Gouin Series Methods Francois Gouin (German teacher of Latin) traveled to Germany to learn German but he had to go through a certain painful set of experiences to drive his insights into the learning of FL. Having decided in his mid-aged life to learn German he took his residence there for a year. But […]
→ Квітень 30, 2011
Remembering One of the most important processes in language acquisition is the remembering of what has been learned. Psychologically, memory is not a reservoir of past events. It is rather an adjustment between past impressions and present demands. It is not a faculty but a process, or rather a group of mutually related processes. From […]
→ Квітень 27, 2011
Teaching Writing Writing is a complex skill that provides communication between the people by means of graphic signs. Like speaking, it is a productive kind of activity; we record our messages to convey them to the recipient. The product of this activity is a text that is subject to reproduction. Writing as well as reading […]
→ Квітень 27, 2011
Teaching Translation Translation is concerned with written and spoken rendering of the meaning of words, groups of words, sentences and texts in another language. As a form of communication it establishes contacts between communicants who speak different languages. Translation (word-for word, adequate, free, literary) is employed by the teacher at the initial, intermediate, and […]
→ Квітень 20, 2011
Direction for Instruction Curriculum Overview The word curriculum has been used in a variety of ways. It has been used to mean: 1. A school’s written courses of study and other instruction materials. 2. The subject matter taught to the students. 3. The courses offered in a school. 4. The planned experiences of the […]
→ Квітень 3, 2011
Lesson Teacher training is seen as a student-centered activity not simply as the delivery of prescribed formulae. The learners are encouraged to develop the awareness of the teaching/learning process in class and outside school hours, on a group basis and individually. True group work is designed to make the members of the group interact […]