Non-finite English verb forms: Participle II

Липень 7th, 20123:05 pm


Non-finite English verb forms: Participle II

Participle II is a non-finite form of the verb which combines the proper­ties of the verb with those of the adjective. Participle II has no paradigm: it is represented by the only form, which occurs either independently or as a part of an analytical verb form. By the way of the paradigmatic correlation with Participle I, it conveys implicitly the categorical meaning of the Perfect and the Passive.

As different from Participle I, Participle II has no distinct combinability features or syntactic features characteristic of the adverb. Thus, it may be used either as an attribute, a predicative or an adverbial modifier in the Ab­solute Participial Construction:

…he went through my pockets with a practiced hand. (Durrell) (at­tribute)

His usually sharp blue eyes looked hazy and drawn tonight. (Brown) (predicative)

Mary gave a taut smile and, hands crossed over the slight protuberance of her stomach, looked around her. (King) (adverbial modifier of manner)

It should be noted, that within an Absolute Participial Construction, Par­ticiple II, like Participle I, has its own semantic subject different from the subject in the principal clause.

Like Participle I, Participle II is capable of making up semi-predicative constructions of a complex object. The past participial complex object is specifically characteristic with verbs of wish and oblique causality (to have, to get):

I want the message sent immediately. You’II have the coat mended by next Monday.