Архів обранного тега »interjection«
→ Липень 11, 2012
The interjection is a grammatically unchangeable part of speech that expresses human emotions, states of mood and volition without naming them. The latter property makes it possible for some scholars to contrast interjections with so-called “intellectual words”. Interjections differ from all other parts of speech in their origin, specific nomination, phonetic structure as well as […]
→ Липень 11, 2012
According to their derivational pattern, English interjections are as a rule divided into primary (simple) and secondary (derivative). Primary interjections (ah, hush, oh, ouch, ugh, wow) stem from reflex involuntary exclamations and sounds that represent the speaker’s immediate reaction to a certain event. Contrary to reflex exclamations and sounds that do not belong to the […]
→ Липень 11, 2012
English interjections tend to be used as independent word-sentences either in the principal clause, which they make more emotional, or in isolation. Used with the principal clause, interjections occur, as a rule, in pre-position, or – sometimes – in post-position. Used in isolation, an interjection retains its relations with the utterance, since this part of […]
→ Жовтень 19, 2010
Stylistic lexicology 1. Denotative and connotative meanings of a word 2. Main types of connotation: pragmatic, associative, ideological, conceptual, evaluative, emotive, expressive, stylistic 3. Neutral and stylistically marked vocabulary 4. The use of polysemy for stylistic purposes: polysemantic effect. Being the medium of verbal communication language is capable of transmitting actually any type of information. […]