Types of Lesson
According to the general character of the teaching activity the lessons are divided into:
Language, if considered from a communicative point of view, is the transition of messages; it is the choice of a sequence of symbols from a reservoir of code. Indeed we use language units by choosing words one after another. Once the word has been chosen, the choice of the one following is governed by laws of grammar, vocabulary and syntax.
Manipulative drills involve pattern training, using clues, based on rules and models.
Communicative lessons involve activities aimed at developing habits and skills characteristic of real-life situations (monologue, dialogue, conversation or other form of verbal exchange). Once the type of lesson has been chosen, then the procedure is governed by training certain skills: to use sentences, dialogues, monologues and polylogues. The teaching of language as communication, calls for an approach which brings linguistic skills and communicative abilities into close association with each other. The linguistic content is inseparable from linguistic expression. The two areas, form and substance, are studied in their constant relationship.
At this level the emphasis is laid on the content area of the text. The learners are engaged in activities using the elements, clues, and situations, which lead to communication. The reinforcement and follow-up practices in this area lead to gnostic value, emotional colouring and informative quality, and the learners move on to a higher level of communicative ability.
Other types of lessons are: 1) aspect lesson; 2) complex (oral speech and grammar; home reading and oral speech); 3) integral (two teachers).
Близнюк М.І. Курс лекцій з методики викладання англійської мови. – Чернівці: ЧДУ, 1999 – с.
Липень 16th, 2011 → 9:25 pm