Instructional Aim
By instructional aim we mean imparting to the learners some knowledge about nature, society, thinking and modes of activity, which will help the students to become confident users of a FL and versatile thinkers. They will adapt the acquired habits and skills for expressing their thoughts and ideas and for communicating effectively with others. The pupils learn a second language and thereby new means of expressing their thoughts. They are taught to express them in a FL with a certain degree of fluency, clarity and precision. Even the most elementary level of learning gives some indication of meaning and form, and their relationships that lead to a greater awareness of the functioning of their native language.
Learning a FL leads to new horizons of linguistic competence where graphic, phonetical, lexical and grammatical items come into play. Such learning develops logical thinking of the pupils because knowledge acquisition is related to such categories as analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, and others. This process is also related to the work of the aural, visual, kinaesthetic, and motor analyzers. They have a direct impact on the development of memory as the learners have to memorize lists of words, word-combinations, phrases, models of sentence building as well as their use in communication.
Through a FL the students get acquainted with geography, history, literature, culture, and ways of life of the EL native speakers.
Books, textbooks offer ample opportunities to develop pupils’ gnostic abilities. They learn a lot of interesting things about the countries, cities, events, historical places, schools, traditions, holidays and famous people (statesmen, public figures, travellers), etc.
The instructional function is supplemented by ostensive materials and visual aids: albums, slides, filmstrips, video-clips, software, etc., which are to be used across the curriculum. It is important that the students be surrounded by exemplary models of language and encouraged to use such language for various purposes in a positive and supportive context.
A well-organized, purposeful activity guided by the teachers and performed independently can ensure motivation – a positive interest, a desire and a greater willingness to learn a FL. Upon this foundation, teachers can build effective instructional programs which will gradually increase students’ competence as language users, expand and refine their knowledge about the foreign language.
Thus the instructional aim in learning a FL is to form habits and skills of intellectual work, to develop gnostic activity, logical thinking, memory, imagination, and to contribute to general development and culture.
Близнюк М.І. Курс лекцій з методики викладання англійської мови. – Чернівці: ЧДУ, 1999 – с.
Серпень 29th, 2011 → 12:37 pm