→ Липень 11, 2012
Since qualities of events are reduced to their time, location, character and intensity, the main syntactic function of adverbs is that of an adverbial modifier. Da Vinci had been a cryptology pioneer, Sophie knew, although he was seldom given credit. (Brown) (adverbial modifier of time/frequency) …she calculated very carefully the intervals between one ink-spot and […]
→ Липень 11, 2012
The adverb has no morphological properties that may be regarded as specifically adverbial and be used as a criterion to define its morphological status. Absence of inflections is not restricted to adverbs only; degrees of comparison do not cover all the members of this part of speech; only some adverbs are formed by the derivational […]
→ Липень 11, 2012
Adverbs may be classified not only on the ground of their morphemic composition but also on the ground of their semantic characteristics. As a rule, semantically, adverbs are divided into the two large classes: 1) qualitative, 2) quantitative and 3) circumstantial. Qualitative adverbs express immediate, inherently non-graded qualities of actions and other qualities. In the […]
→ Липень 11, 2012
If the morphemic structure is taken as a ground of classification, adverbs fall into six groups: 1) The first largest group is made up of those adverbs formed from derived and base adjectives by adding the suffix -ly: evenly, smoothly, glamorously, beautifully, wonderfully, etc. 2) The second group originally very small, but in present-day English […]
→ Липень 10, 2012
It might be expected that, since the adverb is a traditional part of speech, all debates over its status and properties are over. It is far from the truth. Approaches to the adverb have been numerous: the adverb has undergone functional-semantic analysis, syntactic analysis, the correlation of its grammatical and lexical meanings has also been […]
→ Липень 10, 2012
The specific tense system has already been discussed while analyzing the English verb. As a result, the three types of tense have been distinguished – absolute, relative and absolute-relative. As it has been mentioned above, the English verbids have the following categories: tense and voice. It is therefore necessary to clarify the type of the […]
→ Липень 10, 2012
Tense of English non-finite forms – Part 1 In looking for examples of relative time reference, it is essential to ensure that the relative time reference interpretation is part of the meaning of the form in question, rather than an implicature derived from, in part, the context. One area which is particularly confusing in this […]
→ Липень 7, 2012
Participle II is a non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the adjective. Participle II has no paradigm: it is represented by the only form, which occurs either independently or as a part of an analytical verb form. By the way of the paradigmatic correlation with Participle […]
→ Липень 7, 2012
Participle I is a non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the adjective and the adverb. It denotes a quality resulting from an action. The form of Participle I is wholly homonymous with the Gerund, ending in the suffix -ing and distinguishing the same grammatical categories of […]
→ Липень 3, 2012
Verb: Category of Mood – Part 2 Verb: Category of Mood – Part 3 Verb: Category of Mood – Part 4 Any utterance is perceived as containing information either corresponding or contradicting to the situation. To express this meaning is possible owing to a category that indicates the speaker’s attitude to the content of an […]