1. During this period the language underwent such qualitative changes:
1. In Middle English Vowels in the final unstressed position are reduced (or levelled).
2. Monophthongs’ development in Middle English language:
З. ОЕ diphthongs are monophthongized:
4. Vocalization of ƺ after e, æ and w after o, a.
5.The sounds [æ] and [y] disappeared from the system of the l-ge.
2. Quantitative changes
1. Lengthening:
2. Shortening: ē > e, і > ī before two consonants.
3.There are no long diphthongs.
1 Development of the sounds tʃ, dƺ, ƺ from OE palatal k’, sk’ and g’: k’ > tʃ, sk’ > ʃ, g’ > ƺ (their velar variants are unchanged). Only in native words.
2. OE consonants which had voiced and voiceless variants became different phonemes. These are [f]/[v] (in spelling f), [s]/[z] (in spelling s) and [θ]/[ð] (in spelling þ, ð).
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Вересень 30th, 2011 → 10:48 am